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Prizes to win


The winner of the combined categories Trade, Industry, and Retail receives the chain with the Golden Cheese Drill. This is a rotating prize. Links are attached to the chain where the previous winners are listed, along with the year in which they won. The chain would become too long to have all the links attached, so they are kept in the box with the Golden Cheese Drill.

As a permanent possession, the winner receives a golden wearable emblem and a golden cheese drill on a pedestal.


In addition, the following prizes are awarded per category (Trade, Industry, and Retail):

- A gold medal to the participant with the second-highest number of points in the respective category.

- A silver medal to the participant with the third-highest number of points in the respective category.

- Three bronze medals to the participants who qualify for the award and presentation of such a prize in the respective category.


Each prize winner also receives a framed certificate.